Editor: Peter Freeman VK3KAI / VK3PF
Meteor Scatter: A personal perspective |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Specialised Communication Techniques for the Radio Amateur: Long Boom Yagis for 50 MHz |
Steve Gregory VK3OT |
Mini-Symposium "Pushing Microwaves uphill?!" |
Chaired by Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
Propagation and Operating Techniques |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
Home brew Equipment: A Challenge |
Trevor Niven VK5NC |
Equipment for 23 and 13 cm bands |
Peter Freeman VK3KAI and Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
Microwave miscellany |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
Receiver System Design Requirements for Weak Signal 6 metre Operation |
John Patterson VK3ATQ |
Comet Shoemaker-Levy |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
EME Communications |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
The New Zealand VHF/UHF Scene |
Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG |
Effects of phase noise on receiver performance |
John Patterson VK3ATQ |
Use of broadcast transmitters as propagation indicators at VHF |
Steve Gregory VK6SIX/KL7SIX/7J1BAX |
Predicting Tropospheric Propagation Across the Great Australian Bight |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
Antenna Modelling Software |
Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG |
Am I Really On Point One? |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
A brief introduction to prototyping with Surface Mount Technology (SMT) |
Luke Enriquez VK3EM |
Appendices |
A review of the 1999 Gippsland Technical Conference |
Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG |
Maps of New Zealand Beacons and Repeaters |
Aircraft Enhancement Some Insights From Bistatic Radar Theory |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
A Simple TVI Fix |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Some initial observations on using Spectran/Spectrogram/Hamview and Visual Frequency Shift Keyed CW on 144 MHz |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
Tracking Aircraft, Meteors & Other Uses for DSP Software |
Chris Morley VK3KME |
An Improved Microwatt RF Power Meter |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
24 GHz Project and Experiences: Continuing the Challenge |
Colin Hutchesson VK5DK, Trevor Niven VK5NC & Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
An Inexpensive Relay Sequencer for the AM17 |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Introduction to the DX Cluster |
Jack Bramham VK3WWW |
Getting on to the 2.4 GHz (12.5cm) Band: an update. |
Peter Freeman VK3KAI |
"VK6KZ Portable": Hints for VHF/UHF Portable Operation |
Dr Walter Howse VK6KZ |
A Useful Circuit for microwave operators |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
Lightweight Yagis for 70cm and 23 cm |
Peter Freeman VK3KAI |
A 12 V to 28 V DC-DC Converter |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Fast Hell and Meteors |
Rex Moncur VK7MO and Ian McDonald VK3AXH |
Slow Hell and Aurora |
Rex Moncur VK7MO and Ian McDonald VK3AXH |
Small System 144 MHz EME |
Michael Farrell VK2FLR |
AMSAT AO-40: Opportunities for Microwave Amateur Radio Experiments |
Rod Preston VK4KZR |
Predicting Aircraft Enhancement Opportunities |
Chris Morley VK3KM |
Beams For Bush Bashers |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
VHF and beyond for the budding nomad |
Barry Miller VK3BJM |
24 GHz with Homebrew Test Equipment |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
2 m DSP TRX Project |
Mark Deterring VK3TLW |
Low-Cost Methods of Phase Noise Measurement |
John Morrissey VK3ZRX |
1296 Teflon Slug Tuner |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
A simple l0 GHz Frequency Modulated Carrier Wave RADAR |
John Patterson VK3ATQ |
Making Printed Circuit Boards at Home |
Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG |
Simulation Tools, Real Components and Limitations |
Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG |
Active Audio Filter |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
Recycling Electronics |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
Simple Signal Source |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
The VK3UM Radiation and System Performance Calculator |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Ferrite directional coupler |
Peter Ward |
Simple slotted line |
Peter Ward |
Speech acoustics & intelligibility |
John Clark VK2TK |
WSJT – Meteor Scatter Experiences |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
The JT44 Experience in VK |
Michael Farrell VK2FLR |
Trials and tribulations of running a basic VHF station |
Robert Demkiw VK2TG |
Interesting 2.4 GHz antennas |
Peter Ward |
Solving noise problems in Modern Radio systems |
Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG |
Coaxial gain antennas |
Peter Ward |
Predicting Sporadic E |
Brian Tideman VK3BCZ |
Using the Austar Offset Feed Dish on 10368MHz |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
VHF to Microwave measurements at low cost |
Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG |
Milliwave amplifier at 24GHz |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
XLNEC – Free antenna design software |
Peter Ward |
The RF* Excel files |
Peter Ward |
Aids for chasing aircraft enhanced propagation |
Barry Miller VK3BJM |
The Broomstick |
Jack Sparks VK3AJK |
WSJT: 2003 and Beyond |
Joe Taylor K1JT |
VHF and Microwave Propagation Characteristics of Ducts |
Andrew Martin VK3KAQ |
An Improved WSJT Interface |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Determinants of receiver sensitivity – What are the keys to better weak signal receive performance? |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Predicting sporadic E (Es) – an update |
Brian Tideman VK3BCZ |
ZL7C on VHF |
Bob McQuarrie ZL3TY |
WSJT as a Tool for Propagation Study |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Aids to VHF-Microwave Propagation |
Jim Collins VK3ZYC |
An airline friendly antenna for 144 MHz |
Michael Farrell VK2FLR |
Lord Howe Island DXpedition – VHF/UHF component |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
Rover operations: Build higher scores in the VHF/UHF Field Day contests |
Peter Freeman VK3KAI |
VK3RGI Experimental Weak Signal Mode Beacon |
Jim Collins VK3ZYC |
Field Day 2003 |
Doug Friend VK4OE |
VHF and Microwave Propagation Characteristics of Ducts |
Andrew Martin VK3KAQ |
Detecting signals from the Mars Global Surveyor |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Practical Valve Linear Amplifier Construction |
David Smith VK3HZ |
Circuit design and implementation using PICAXE’s |
Lee de Vries VK3PK |
Some Radio Applications for the PICAXE |
David Smith VK3HZ |
Early EME Operation Using a Rhombic on 144 MHz |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Software Defined Radio |
Lee de Vries VK3PK |
Radio Mobile A brief overview |
Jim Collins VK3ZYC |
Auroral Doppler shifts |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Ron Cook VK3AFW |
Utilizing Tropospheric Propagation on 432 MHz |
Rob Ashlin VK3EK |
Measuring Oscillator Temperature Stability |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Simple Microwave Phase Lock Loop |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
GPS-derived Frequency Reference using REFLOCK |
John Morrissey VK3ZRX |
144 MHz Activity: 1972-2002 |
Mike Farrell VK2FLR |
Microwave EME in the backyard |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
More Ideas and Measurements of Elevated Ducts, This is Getting Very Complicated! |
John Patterson VK3KAQ |
LIGHTNING – Effects of a Near Strike |
Guy Fletcher VK2KU |
Recent advances in optical communications |
Chris Long |
High Power Permits – Myths |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Calculating Tropospheric Scatter Propagation Losses |
Rex MoncurVK7MO |
Small Station EME |
David Smith VK3HZ |
High Stability Crystal Oven based on the Principle of Constant Temperature Gradient |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
Fitting an external oscillator to a Yaesu FT847 |
Joe Gelson VK7JG |
Simple VHF S Meter Calibrator |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Frequency Measurement with Modern Transceivers |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Better power line noise blankers |
Glen English VK2JPR |
The VK3UM Radiation and System Performance Calculator |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
A beam position indicator project |
John Drew VK5DJ |
EMC & EMI for the Radio Amateur |
Bob Tait VK3XP |
What is all this Butterworth and Chebychev stuff? |
Richard Gipps VK3ZCL |
ComWave 2 2.4 GHz MMDS TV Transmitters |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
AA Battery Selection and Storage for Portable Operation |
Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG |
Looking at the Low Frequency End of Ducts, What Did Ross Really measure in 1935? |
Andrew Martin VK3KAQ |
2.4 GHz Home Station |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Newcastle Channel 5A TV: A frequency reference and propagation beacon |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
HF Style Digital Modes on 2 m AE |
Waldis Jurgens VK1WJ |
VK5DJ beam pointer |
John Drew VK5DJ |
1296 MHz QRP EME |
Rex Moncur VK7MO & Trevor Benton VK4AFL |
Dual 70 cm and 23 cm Dish Feed |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
EME over a Tropo Distance |
Guy Fletcher VK2KU |
2 m mobile operation on SSB and a beam |
Christopher Davis VK2DO |
Optical Communications in Gippsland |
Chris Morley VK3CJK |
Sporadic E at 144 MHz, and related factors |
Brian Tideman VK3BCZ |
Band-Pass Filters |
Richard Gipps VK3ZCL |
Google Earth Tools |
David Smith VK3HZ |
The “RFmate” |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
Transequatorial VHF-UHF Propagation the next challenges for VK |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Automotive Alternators as Portable Charging Systems |
Bob Tait VK3XP |
A Cavity Backed Dipole Dish Feed for 1296 MHz |
Andy Sayers VK2AES |
Trials, Tribulations & Triumph in Microwave EME “downunder” |
Charlie Kawhagi VK3NX |
Simple Microwave PLL Revisited |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Simple Microwave PLL Corrections |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
24 GHz Waveguide Power Monitor |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
VK5MC trip to EME 2006 Conference Wurzburg, Germany |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Waveguide Quarter Wave Transformers |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Prototype transverters for 13 cm band |
Peter Freeman VK3KAI |
Sporadic E: turmoil, turbulence and torment |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Solar Cycle 24: prognostications and prospects for VHF/UHF DX |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Sun Noise and Measurements Doug McArthur |
DSP with the Atmel AVR processors |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
Versatile PLL Oscillator for microwave applications |
Andy Sayers VK2AES |
Locking our rigs to GPS references |
TS-2000X, FT-847, FT-817 |
David Smith VK3HZ |
FT-736 |
Jim Forse VK3II |
IC-706MkIIG |
Peter McEwen VK3SO |
IC-910H |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
Crystal IF filters and the practical issues involved with their use |
Richard Gipps VK3ZCL |
Cavity backed feeds for 23, 13 & 9 cm |
Andy Sayers VK2AES |
A high performance 2 m downconverter |
Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG |
Bryan's file received after Proceedings Printed |
ADS-B virtual radar – an aid to AEP |
Barry Miller VK3BJM |
Non-line-of-Sight Optical Propagation |
Rex Moncur VK7MO, Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW and Ken Sulman VK7XDY |
3.4 GHz Hardware |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
The Care and Feeding of RF Power Transistors |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
A phasing type transceiver for 144 MHz. |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
Commercial microwave equipment and its use in amateur service. |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
VK3ZQB Experiences with the Qualcomm Omnitrak boards. |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
What you need to know plus what you don’t wish to know about towers. |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
A transverter for 2.4 GHz. |
Andrew Davis VK1DA |
Techniques used in construction of a home brew parabolic antenna. |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Simple microwave quarter wave BPF (Slide show includes High Level Wideband Noise Generator.) |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
High Level Wideband Noise Generator. |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
USB Rig Interface. |
David Smith VK3HZ |
Sporadic E and VHF Propagation: New Observations and Advances in Understanding. |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Are we there yet? Solar cycle minimum and emerging prospects for long-haul VHF DX. |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Square-Section Parallel Transmission Lines: Theory, Practice and Applications. |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and Andy Sayers VK2AES |
Fires.. being in the middle of it .. and surviving: many may wonder how and why and what were the comms etc. |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Latest software updates |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
400 Years of Telescopes |
Chris Morley VK3CJK |
Lightwave Communications |
Rex Moncur VK7MO & Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW |
WIA AGM Welcome and Introduction |
Software Defined Radio: Principles & Practice |
Phil Harman VK6APH |
Tropospheric Ducting: From Ross Hull To Present Understanding |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
A new band soon: 136 kHz – an introduction to amateur LF communications |
Drew Diamond VK3XU |
What Frequency Am I On? (GPS Locking of Rigs) |
David Smith – VK3HZ |
Exploiting Aircraft Enhancement: The RELIABLE propagation mode |
Barry Miller VK3BJM |
An introduction to amateur microwave communications |
Peter Freeman VK3KAI |
Back to the future: Broadcast quality AM |
Phil Wait VK2DKN |
WIA 2007 Annual General Meeting and Weekend Activities Parkes NSW. |
Robert Broomhead VK3KRB |
Review of AGM weekend. |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Crossing Bass Strait on red light (474 THz) |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
A practical approach to microwave filters |
Dimitris Tsifakis VK1SV & Ted Garnett VK1BL |
Software Defined Radio |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Software Defined Radio SDR-IQ versus SoftRock |
Matt Hetherington VK2DAG |
IC-756Pro3 IF tap for HF SDRs |
Matt Hetherington VK2DAG |
IC-910H IF tap for SDRs |
Matt Hetherington VK2DAG |
A Bistatic Backscatter Chirp Radar for amateur radio use. |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
‘Spherics |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
Development of a station for 137 kHz or Marconi meets the computer age |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
A practical approach to microwave transverters: 10 GHz example |
Ted Garnett VK1BL & Andrew Davis VK1DA |
Universal 10 MHz GPS to PLL interface |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
10 GHz base station experiment |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB & Colin Hutchesson VK5DK |
Global Hopscotch! The bistatic backscatter chirp radar for amateur use |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Cheap 10 GHz to 1 GHz Spec An Converter |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
VK9NA Norfolk Island (RG30xx) VHF/UHF/microwave DXpedition January, 2010 |
Kevin Johnston VK4UH, Alan Devlin VK3XPD & Michael Coleman VK3KH |
The VK3UM EME Performance Calculator software |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Propagation measurements using the Tasmanian GPS stabilised 6 m & 2 m beacons at a distance of 373.6 km |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
Chirp beacon and radar developments |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
Which IF for microwave bands? |
Andrew Davis VK1DA |
600 m band experimental licences & experiences |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
Exploring propagation with the VK3OE Chirp Backscatter Radar for amateur use: Comparisons of aircraft scatter at 144, 432, 1296 and 10 GHz |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships, Maldon |
Jack Bramham VK3WWW |
DX strategies for 10 GHz |
David Smith VK3HZ & Rex Moncur VK7MO |
Doppler shift estimation for 10 GHz aircraft enhancement |
Ron Cook VK3AFW, Rex Moncur VK7MO & David Smith VK3HZ |
2012 EME Conference, Cambridge, UK |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Development of a solar powered remote site |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
Predicting times of minimum Lunar Libration |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Sporadic E – MUF Myths, Summer Solstice Short Path Propagation and Forecasting Openings |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Software defined Radio update |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Recycling Crimp Connectors (without need for special tools) |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Rubidium frequency standards |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
76 GHz and Up |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD & Michael Coleman VK3KH |
WRC-15 Issues for amateurs |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
24 GHz Terrestrial Propagation |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
DVSSB: A PC-based digital speech mode that rivals SSB above 30 MHz |
Glen English VK1XX |
Adventures with a bistatic chirp and CW radar |
Andrew Martin VK3OE |
A Cheap 10 GHz preamp |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
A universal frequency reference |
Glen English VK1XX |
The Marconi Poldhu Station |
Michael Farrell VK2FLR |
Using stepper motors as precision activators |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
Summits On The Air (SOTA) |
Wayne Merry VK3WAM |
A 10 GHz Amplifier project |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
10 GHz rain scatter |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
Publish your projects on the web |
Andrew Davis VK1DA |
IC-706 Digital Interface |
Neil Sandford VK2EI |
Long-range Ionospheric DX on Six and Two Metres: new angles on success |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
New software from VK3UM |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Reference locking the Yaesu FT-817 radio |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE & Jim Collins VK3ZYC |
50 MHz: What’s waiting out there? |
Andrew Martin VK3OE & Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
What Frequency Am I On? II (The Obsession) |
David Smith VK3HZ |
Inaccuracies that will lead to a deficiency in your system’s performance or Why the other guy seems to do better than yourself. |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Icom Multi-Send |
Adam Maurer VK4GHZ |
24 GHz EME... Let's consider a few physical aspects |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
Small station EME at 10 and 24 GHz with digital modes |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
An update on the ACMA EMR requirements and their implications |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Lightweight antennas for VHF backpack portable |
Wayne Merry VK3WAM |
A lightweight Yagi for 2 m |
Peter Freeman VK3PF |
Single chip microwave oscillators |
Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG |
Finding Focus |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
On pattern effects of Yagi boom droop |
Glen English VK1XX |
The Battle for 2300 MHz: behind the WIA submission to the ACMA |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
Some amateur history viewed through QSL cards |
Michael Goode VK3BDL |
An alternate approach to using the FE-5680 rubidium standard |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
MAP65 in action on 23 cm |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
A cheap 250 W PEP amplifier for 70 cm: Surplus NEC UHF amplifier modules |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
NEC 30 Volt 80 amp power supply |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
Reflections, Echos, Doppler, Libration and Scintillation |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Proposal to implement GPS locking of VK beacons |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
Building cheap but effective Yagi antennas |
Nick Kraehe VK3VFO |
10 GHz Propagation: Rainscatter, Troposcatter, Aircraft-scatter and Ducting |
Rex Moncur VK7MO & Rhett Donnan VK3GHZ |
Extending the 78 GHz VK Distance Record |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD & David Smith VK3HZ |
Key challenges for Australian amateur radio – ACMA remaking the LCD and the Government’s review of spectrum management |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
A smart transverter controller |
Iain Crawfors VK5ZD |
Review of 630 m experimentation in VK |
Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW |
SDR update |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Life after XP? .. utter despair and frustration .. traps and dead ends! |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
Farm Fresh approach to EME: dish mount construction |
Dean Webster VK3NFI |
A tricky FT-817 fault |
Ralph Edgar VK3WRE |
Add amplifier and antenna switching to your Yaesu FT-857/897 |
Albert Gnaccarini VK3TU |
Advanced VHF Digital Voice using Codec 2 |
David Rowe VK5DGR |
Crossing the Bight – 10 GHz Terrestrial World Record |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
3.4 GHz transverters from surplus link gear |
Lou Blasco VK3ALB & David Learmonth VK3QM |
GPS-locked beacon project: an update on outcomes |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
The LL/KQ Electronic Compass Rotator Controller |
Damian Ayres VK3KQ & Ralph Parkhurst VK3LL |
Band-stop filters with P-Syn |
Richard Gipps VK3ZCL |
Australian amateur radio 2015: challenge and change |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
The Melbourne Amateur Radio And Technology Group (MARTG) entry into the 2015 Global Space Balloon Challenge (GSBC) |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
CNC mill construction |
Russell Lemke VK3ZQB |
SDR technologies and the weak signal user |
Glen English VK1XX |
Extreme grids on 10 and 24 GHz |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
VK3UM Software additional features |
Doug McArthur VK3UM |
VHF to Microwave Developments with WSJT-X |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
My name is Roger and I'm a VK Classies-aholic! |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
A novel Az-El mount |
Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW |
An update on SDR for EME |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
SDR Transceivers for VHF +++ |
David Minchin VK5KK |
Microwave achievement award |
Alan Devlin VK3XPD |
SARC1 High Altitude Balloon Payload for the 2016 Global Space Balloon Challenge |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
AIS Saves Lives! |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
Goodbye Silicon Hello GaN |
Glen English VK1XX |
Near effects of ground and your field day setup |
Glen English VK1XX |
Amateur Radio in Australia post spectrum reform |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
SM2000 Open Source VHF Radio |
David Rowe VK5DGR |
3.4 GHz Panels: firmware modifications |
Tim Dixon VK5ZT |
10 GHz, QRP EME |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
A mini satellite-antenna rotator |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
A Speech Synthesiser for the Yaesu FT-817 |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
The Norfolk Island microwave jaunt 2016 |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH & Keith Gooley VK5OQ |
Slow Scan TV using Arduino hardware |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
Up-Date on WSJT-X |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
Using your Android phone or tablet as a GUI for your Arduino home brew projects |
David (Dave) Hardy VK2JDH |
EME on small aperture horns - equivalent to a 13 cm or 5 inch dish |
Rex Moncur VK7MO & Charles Suckling G3WDG |
Receiving DL0SHF 10 GHz Beacon on a Yagi |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
VK3UM Award |
Eastern Zone ARC |
Microwave Enthusiast Award 2017 |
Kevin Johnston VK4UH |
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator MkII |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
GPS Locked Multi-Beacons Controller using the ZLPLL |
Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW |
Timing for Portable Digital Operation with a $20 USB GPS receiver |
Rex Moncur VK7MO and Larry Hower VK7WLH |
Remote Radio Control Server |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
Near-antenna Fresnel zone clearance |
Glen English VK1XX |
My uniquely GippTech 10 GHz adventure |
Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW |
Performance of QRA compared to JT4 |
Rex Moncur VK7MO & Charles Suckling G3WDG |
Efficiency of mesh covered dishes |
Andy Sayers VK3ES |
Challenging times for Australian Amateur Radio - change coming from all directions |
Roger Harrison VK2ZRH |
The new VK1 triple mode 2 m beacon - the best of three worlds |
Glen English VK1XX |
The International governance of the Amateur Service – the role of the IARU |
Peter Young VK3MV |
ARDF Telemetry |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
APRS on HF |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
Building the 2 metre version of the Geelong 3.4 GHz panel |
Tim Dixon VK5ZT |
Long path to EME conference Venice 2016 |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
GRAVES RADAR as an EME test signal |
Jim Collins VK3ZYC |
Small System EME on 23cm |
Mike Farrell VK2FLR |
Design and construction of a spectrum analyser covering 300 MHz to 4 GHz |
Jim Henderson VK1AT |
Comparison of RigExpert AA-1400 and N1201SA series antenna analysers |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Light Talkers |
Tim Dixon VK5ZT |
Amateur Radio for Kids |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
Getting some real miles out of 122 GHz |
David Minchin VK5KK |
'From the inside looking out': reflections on changing radio regulations and impact upon possible future amateur applications |
Dale Hughes VK1DSH |
The man behind the Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award VK3ZER/ VK3AKC |
Chris Skeer VK5MC |
Mini Satellite Ground Station |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
10/24 EME Grid tour to NT/WA/QLD and new 10 GHz EME World Record |
Rex Moncur VK7MO |
AllLocker - the new reflocking option, son of XREF |
Glen English VK1XX |
Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem |
Lindsay Harvey VK2AMV |
It’s raining Development Kits |
Tim Dixon VK5ZT |
RF over optical fibre: principles and applications for amateur radio |
Glen English VK1XX |
Build your own SDR |
Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP |
2 m power amplifier |
Mike Farrell VK2FLR |