Proceedings from the Gippsland Technical Conferences

Editor: Peter Freeman VK3KAI / VK3PF


Meteor Scatter: A personal perspective

Ron Cook VK3AFW

Specialised Communication Techniques for the Radio Amateur: Long Boom Yagis for 50 MHz

Steve Gregory VK3OT

Mini-Symposium "Pushing Microwaves uphill?!"

Chaired by Alan Devlin VK3XPD

Propagation and Operating Techniques

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

Home brew Equipment: A Challenge

Trevor Niven VK5NC

Equipment for 23 and 13 cm bands

Peter Freeman VK3KAI and Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

Microwave miscellany

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

Receiver System Design Requirements for Weak Signal 6 metre Operation

John Patterson VK3ATQ

Comet Shoemaker-Levy

Doug McArthur VK3UM

EME Communications

Doug McArthur VK3UM



The New Zealand VHF/UHF Scene

Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG

Effects of phase noise on receiver performance

John Patterson VK3ATQ

Use of broadcast transmitters as propagation indicators at VHF

Steve Gregory VK6SIX/KL7SIX/7J1BAX

Predicting Tropospheric Propagation Across the Great Australian Bight

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

Antenna Modelling Software

Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG

Am I Really On Point One?

Ron Cook VK3AFW

A brief introduction to prototyping with Surface Mount Technology (SMT)

Luke Enriquez VK3EM



A review of the 1999 Gippsland Technical Conference

Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG

Maps of New Zealand Beacons and Repeaters




Aircraft Enhancement Some Insights From Bistatic Radar Theory

Rex Moncur VK7MO

A Simple TVI Fix

Ron Cook VK3AFW

Some initial observations on using Spectran/Spectrogram/Hamview and Visual Frequency Shift Keyed CW on 144 MHz

Rex Moncur VK7MO

Tracking Aircraft, Meteors & Other Uses for DSP Software

Chris Morley VK3KME

An Improved Microwatt RF Power Meter

Ron Cook VK3AFW

24 GHz Project and Experiences: Continuing the Challenge

Colin Hutchesson VK5DK, Trevor Niven VK5NC & Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

An Inexpensive Relay Sequencer for the AM17

Ron Cook VK3AFW

Introduction to the DX Cluster

Jack Bramham VK3WWW

Getting on to the 2.4 GHz (12.5cm) Band: an update.

Peter Freeman VK3KAI

"VK6KZ Portable": Hints for VHF/UHF Portable Operation

Dr Walter Howse VK6KZ

A Useful Circuit for microwave operators

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

Lightweight Yagis for 70cm and 23 cm

Peter Freeman VK3KAI

A 12 V to 28 V DC-DC Converter

Ron Cook VK3AFW



Fast Hell and Meteors

Rex Moncur VK7MO and Ian McDonald VK3AXH

Slow Hell and Aurora

Rex Moncur VK7MO and Ian McDonald VK3AXH

Small System 144 MHz EME

Michael Farrell VK2FLR

AMSAT AO-40: Opportunities for Microwave Amateur Radio Experiments

Rod Preston VK4KZR

Predicting Aircraft Enhancement Opportunities

Chris Morley VK3KM

Beams For Bush Bashers

Ron Cook VK3AFW

VHF and beyond for the budding nomad

Barry Miller VK3BJM

24 GHz with Homebrew Test Equipment

Neil Sandford VK2EI

2 m DSP TRX Project

Mark Deterring VK3TLW

Low-Cost Methods of Phase Noise Measurement

John Morrissey VK3ZRX

1296 Teflon Slug Tuner

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

A simple l0 GHz Frequency Modulated Carrier Wave RADAR

John Patterson VK3ATQ

Making Printed Circuit Boards at Home

Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG

Simulation Tools, Real Components and Limitations

Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG

Active Audio Filter

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

Recycling Electronics

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

Simple Signal Source

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB



The VK3UM Radiation and System Performance Calculator

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Ferrite directional coupler

Peter Ward

Simple slotted line

Peter Ward

Speech acoustics & intelligibility

John Clark VK2TK

WSJT – Meteor Scatter Experiences

Rex Moncur VK7MO

The JT44 Experience in VK

Michael Farrell VK2FLR

Trials and tribulations of running a basic VHF station

Robert Demkiw VK2TG

Interesting 2.4 GHz antennas

Peter Ward

Solving noise problems in Modern Radio systems

Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG

Coaxial gain antennas

Peter Ward

Predicting Sporadic E

Brian Tideman VK3BCZ

Using the Austar Offset Feed Dish on 10368MHz

Neil Sandford VK2EI

VHF to Microwave measurements at low cost

Peter Loveridge ZL1UKG

Milliwave amplifier at 24GHz

Neil Sandford VK2EI

XLNEC – Free antenna design software

Peter Ward

The RF* Excel files

Peter Ward

Aids for chasing aircraft enhanced propagation

Barry Miller VK3BJM

The Broomstick

Jack Sparks VK3AJK



WSJT: 2003 and Beyond

Joe Taylor K1JT

VHF and Microwave Propagation Characteristics of Ducts

Andrew Martin VK3KAQ

An Improved WSJT Interface

Ron Cook VK3AFW

Determinants of receiver sensitivity – What are the keys to better weak signal receive performance?

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Predicting sporadic E (Es) – an update

Brian Tideman VK3BCZ


Bob McQuarrie ZL3TY

WSJT as a Tool for Propagation Study

Ron Cook VK3AFW

Aids to VHF-Microwave Propagation

Jim Collins VK3ZYC

An airline friendly antenna for 144 MHz

Michael Farrell VK2FLR

Lord Howe Island DXpedition – VHF/UHF component

Rex Moncur VK7MO

Rover operations: Build higher scores in the VHF/UHF Field Day contests

Peter Freeman VK3KAI

VK3RGI Experimental Weak Signal Mode Beacon

Jim Collins VK3ZYC

Field Day 2003

Doug Friend VK4OE


GippsTech 2004

VHF and Microwave Propagation Characteristics of Ducts

Andrew Martin VK3KAQ

Detecting signals from the Mars Global Surveyor

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Practical Valve Linear Amplifier Construction

David Smith VK3HZ

Circuit design and implementation using PICAXE’s

Lee de Vries VK3PK

Some Radio Applications for the PICAXE

David Smith VK3HZ

Early EME Operation Using a Rhombic on 144 MHz

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Software Defined Radio

Lee de Vries VK3PK

Radio Mobile  A brief overview

Jim Collins VK3ZYC

Auroral Doppler shifts

Doug McArthur VK3UM


Ron Cook VK3AFW

Utilizing Tropospheric Propagation on 432 MHz

Rob Ashlin VK3EK

Measuring Oscillator Temperature Stability

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Simple Microwave Phase Lock Loop

Neil Sandford VK2EI

GPS-derived Frequency Reference using REFLOCK

John Morrissey VK3ZRX

144 MHz Activity:  1972-2002

Mike Farrell VK2FLR


GippsTech 2005

Microwave EME in the backyard

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

More Ideas and Measurements of Elevated Ducts, This is Getting Very Complicated!

John Patterson VK3KAQ

LIGHTNING – Effects of a Near Strike

Guy Fletcher VK2KU

Recent advances in optical communications

Chris Long

High Power Permits – Myths

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Calculating Tropospheric Scatter Propagation Losses

Rex MoncurVK7MO

Small Station EME

David Smith VK3HZ

High Stability Crystal Oven based on the Principle of Constant Temperature Gradient

Rex Moncur VK7MO

Fitting an external oscillator to a Yaesu FT847

Joe Gelson VK7JG

Simple VHF S Meter Calibrator

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Frequency Measurement with Modern Transceivers

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Better power line noise blankers

Glen English VK2JPR

The VK3UM Radiation and System Performance Calculator

Doug McArthur VK3UM

A beam position indicator project

John Drew VK5DJ


GippsTech 2006

EMC & EMI for the Radio Amateur

Bob Tait VK3XP

What is all this Butterworth and Chebychev stuff?

Richard Gipps VK3ZCL

ComWave 2    2.4 GHz MMDS TV Transmitters

Neil Sandford VK2EI

AA Battery Selection and Storage for Portable Operation

Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG

Looking at the Low Frequency End of Ducts, What Did Ross Really measure in 1935?

Andrew Martin VK3KAQ

2.4 GHz Home Station

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Newcastle Channel 5A TV: A frequency reference and propagation beacon

Rex Moncur VK7MO

HF Style Digital Modes on 2 m AE

Waldis Jurgens VK1WJ

VK5DJ beam pointer

John Drew VK5DJ

1296 MHz QRP EME

Rex Moncur VK7MO & Trevor Benton VK4AFL

Dual 70 cm and 23 cm Dish Feed

Doug McArthur VK3UM

EME over a Tropo Distance

Guy Fletcher VK2KU

2 m mobile operation on SSB and a beam

Christopher Davis VK2DO

Optical Communications in Gippsland

Chris Morley VK3CJK


GippsTech 2007

Sporadic E at 144 MHz, and related factors

Brian Tideman VK3BCZ

Band-Pass Filters

Richard Gipps VK3ZCL

Google Earth Tools

David Smith VK3HZ

The “RFmate”

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Transequatorial VHF-UHF Propagation the next challenges for VK

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Automotive Alternators as Portable Charging Systems

Bob Tait VK3XP

A Cavity Backed Dipole Dish Feed for 1296 MHz

Andy Sayers VK2AES

Trials, Tribulations & Triumph in Microwave EME “downunder”

Charlie Kawhagi VK3NX

Simple Microwave PLL Revisited

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Simple Microwave PLL Corrections

Neil Sandford VK2EI

24 GHz Waveguide Power Monitor

Neil Sandford VK2EI

VK5MC trip to EME 2006 Conference Wurzburg, Germany

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Waveguide Quarter Wave Transformers

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Prototype transverters for 13 cm band

Peter Freeman VK3KAI

Sporadic E: turmoil, turbulence and torment

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH


GippsTech 2008

Solar Cycle 24: prognostications and prospects for VHF/UHF DX

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Sun Noise and Measurements Doug McArthur


DSP with the Atmel AVR processors

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Versatile PLL Oscillator for microwave applications

Andy Sayers VK2AES

Locking our rigs to GPS references


TS-2000X, FT-847, FT-817

David Smith VK3HZ


Jim Forse VK3II


Peter McEwen VK3SO


Rex Moncur VK7MO

Crystal IF filters and the practical issues involved with their use

Richard Gipps VK3ZCL

Cavity backed feeds for 23, 13 & 9 cm

Andy Sayers VK2AES

A high performance 2 m downconverter

Bryan Ackerly VK3YNG

Bryan's file received after Proceedings Printed


ADS-B virtual radar – an aid to AEP

Barry Miller VK3BJM

Non-line-of-Sight Optical Propagation

Rex Moncur VK7MO, Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW and Ken Sulman VK7XDY

3.4 GHz Hardware

Neil Sandford VK2EI

The Care and Feeding of RF Power Transistors

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH


GippsTech 2009

A phasing type transceiver for 144 MHz.

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Commercial microwave equipment and its use in amateur service.

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

VK3ZQB Experiences with the Qualcomm Omnitrak boards.

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

What you need to know plus what you don’t wish to know about towers.

Andrew Martin VK3OE

A transverter for 2.4 GHz.

Andrew Davis VK1DA

Techniques used in construction of a home brew parabolic antenna.

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Simple microwave quarter wave BPF (Slide show includes High Level Wideband Noise Generator.)

Neil Sandford VK2EI

High Level Wideband Noise Generator.

Neil Sandford VK2EI

USB Rig Interface.

David Smith VK3HZ

Sporadic E and VHF Propagation: New Observations and Advances in Understanding.

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Are we there yet? Solar cycle minimum and emerging prospects for long-haul VHF DX.

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Square-Section Parallel Transmission Lines: Theory, Practice and Applications.

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and Andy Sayers VK2AES

Fires.. being in the middle of it .. and surviving: many may wonder how and why and what were the comms etc.

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Latest software updates

Doug McArthur VK3UM


GippsTech Special Edition

400 Years of Telescopes

Chris Morley VK3CJK

Lightwave Communications

Rex Moncur VK7MO & Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW

WIA AGM Welcome and Introduction


Software Defined Radio: Principles & Practice

Phil Harman VK6APH

Tropospheric Ducting: From Ross Hull To Present Understanding

Andrew Martin VK3OE

A new band soon: 136 kHz – an introduction to amateur LF communications

Drew Diamond VK3XU

What Frequency Am I On? (GPS Locking of Rigs)

David Smith – VK3HZ

Exploiting Aircraft Enhancement: The RELIABLE propagation mode

Barry Miller VK3BJM

An introduction to amateur microwave communications

Peter Freeman VK3KAI

Back to the future: Broadcast quality AM

Phil Wait VK2DKN

WIA 2007 Annual General Meeting and Weekend Activities Parkes NSW.

Robert Broomhead VK3KRB

Review of AGM weekend.

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH



Crossing Bass Strait on red light (474 THz)

Rex Moncur VK7MO

A practical approach to microwave filters

Dimitris Tsifakis VK1SV & Ted Garnett VK1BL

Software Defined Radio

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Software Defined Radio SDR-IQ versus SoftRock

Matt Hetherington VK2DAG

IC-756Pro3 IF tap for HF SDRs

Matt Hetherington VK2DAG

IC-910H IF tap for SDRs

Matt Hetherington VK2DAG

A Bistatic Backscatter Chirp Radar for amateur radio use.

Andrew Martin VK3OE


Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Development of a station for 137 kHz or Marconi meets the computer age

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

A practical approach to microwave transverters: 10 GHz example

Ted Garnett VK1BL & Andrew Davis VK1DA

Universal 10 MHz GPS to PLL interface

Neil Sandford VK2EI

10 GHz base station experiment

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB & Colin Hutchesson VK5DK

Global Hopscotch! The bistatic backscatter chirp radar for amateur use

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Cheap 10 GHz to 1 GHz Spec An Converter

Neil Sandford VK2EI

VK9NA Norfolk Island (RG30xx) VHF/UHF/microwave DXpedition January, 2010

Kevin Johnston VK4UH, Alan Devlin VK3XPD & Michael Coleman VK3KH

The VK3UM EME Performance Calculator software

Doug McArthur VK3UM


GippsTech 2011

Propagation measurements using the Tasmanian GPS stabilised 6 m & 2 m beacons at a distance of 373.6 km

Andrew Martin VK3OE

Chirp beacon and radar developments

Andrew Martin VK3OE

Which IF for microwave bands?

Andrew Davis VK1DA

600 m band experimental licences & experiences

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Exploring propagation with the VK3OE Chirp Backscatter Radar for amateur use: Comparisons of aircraft scatter at 144, 432, 1296 and 10 GHz

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships, Maldon

Jack Bramham VK3WWW

DX strategies for 10 GHz

David Smith VK3HZ & Rex Moncur VK7MO

Doppler shift estimation for 10 GHz aircraft enhancement

Ron Cook VK3AFW, Rex Moncur VK7MO & David Smith VK3HZ

2012 EME Conference, Cambridge, UK

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Development of a solar powered remote site

Andrew Martin VK3OE

Predicting times of minimum Lunar Libration

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Sporadic E – MUF Myths, Summer Solstice Short Path Propagation and Forecasting Openings

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Software defined Radio update

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Recycling Crimp Connectors (without need for special tools)

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Rubidium frequency standards

Doug McArthur VK3UM


GippsTech 2012

76 GHz and Up

Alan Devlin VK3XPD & Michael Coleman VK3KH

WRC-15 Issues for amateurs

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

24 GHz Terrestrial Propagation

Rex Moncur VK7MO

DVSSB: A PC-based digital speech mode that rivals SSB above 30 MHz

Glen English VK1XX

Adventures with a bistatic chirp and CW radar

Andrew Martin VK3OE

A Cheap 10 GHz preamp

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

A universal frequency reference

Glen English VK1XX

The Marconi Poldhu Station

Michael Farrell VK2FLR

Using stepper motors as precision activators

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

Summits On The Air (SOTA)

Wayne Merry VK3WAM

A 10 GHz Amplifier project

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

10 GHz rain scatter

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

Publish your projects on the web

Andrew Davis VK1DA

IC-706 Digital Interface

Neil Sandford VK2EI

Long-range Ionospheric DX on Six and Two Metres: new angles on success

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

New software from VK3UM

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Reference locking the Yaesu FT-817 radio

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE & Jim Collins VK3ZYC


GippsTech 2013

50 MHz: What’s waiting out there?

Andrew Martin VK3OE & Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

What Frequency Am I On?  II (The Obsession)

David Smith VK3HZ

Inaccuracies that will lead to a deficiency in your system’s performance or Why the other guy seems to do better than yourself.

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Icom Multi-Send

Adam Maurer VK4GHZ

24 GHz EME... Let's consider a few physical aspects

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

Small station EME at 10 and 24 GHz with digital modes

Rex Moncur VK7MO

An update on the ACMA EMR requirements and their implications

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Lightweight antennas for VHF backpack portable

Wayne Merry VK3WAM

A lightweight Yagi for 2 m

Peter Freeman VK3PF

Single chip microwave oscillators

Bryan Ackerley VK3YNG

Finding Focus

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

On pattern effects of Yagi boom droop

Glen English VK1XX

The Battle for 2300 MHz: behind the WIA submission to the ACMA

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Some amateur history viewed through QSL cards

Michael Goode VK3BDL

An alternate approach to using the FE-5680 rubidium standard

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

MAP65 in action on 23 cm

Chris Skeer VK5MC


GippsTech 2014

A cheap 250 W PEP amplifier for 70 cm: Surplus NEC UHF amplifier modules

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

NEC 30 Volt 80 amp power supply

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

Reflections, Echos, Doppler, Libration and Scintillation

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Proposal to implement GPS locking of VK beacons

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

Building cheap but effective Yagi antennas

Nick Kraehe VK3VFO

10 GHz Propagation: Rainscatter, Troposcatter, Aircraft-scatter and Ducting

Rex Moncur VK7MO & Rhett  Donnan VK3GHZ

Extending the 78 GHz VK Distance Record

Alan Devlin VK3XPD & David Smith VK3HZ

Key challenges for Australian amateur radio – ACMA remaking the LCD and the Government’s review of spectrum management

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

A smart transverter controller

Iain Crawfors VK5ZD

Review of 630 m experimentation in VK

Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW

SDR update

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Life after XP? .. utter despair and frustration .. traps and dead ends!

Doug McArthur VK3UM

Farm Fresh approach to EME: dish mount construction

Dean Webster VK3NFI

A tricky FT-817 fault

Ralph Edgar VK3WRE

Add amplifier and antenna switching to your Yaesu FT-857/897

Albert Gnaccarini VK3TU


GippsTech 2015

Advanced VHF Digital Voice using Codec 2

David Rowe VK5DGR

Crossing the Bight – 10 GHz Terrestrial World Record

Rex Moncur VK7MO

3.4 GHz transverters from surplus link gear

Lou Blasco VK3ALB & David Learmonth VK3QM

GPS-locked beacon project: an update on outcomes

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

The LL/KQ Electronic Compass Rotator Controller

Damian Ayres VK3KQ & Ralph Parkhurst VK3LL

Band-stop filters with P-Syn

Richard Gipps VK3ZCL

Australian amateur radio 2015: challenge and change

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

The Melbourne Amateur Radio And Technology Group (MARTG) entry into the 2015 Global Space Balloon Challenge (GSBC)

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

CNC mill construction

Russell Lemke VK3ZQB

SDR technologies and the weak signal user

Glen English VK1XX

Extreme grids on 10 and 24 GHz

Rex Moncur VK7MO

VK3UM Software additional features

Doug McArthur VK3UM

VHF to Microwave Developments with WSJT-X

Rex Moncur VK7MO

My name is Roger and I'm a VK Classies-aholic!

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

A novel Az-El mount

Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW

An update on SDR for EME

Chris Skeer VK5MC


GippsTech 2016

SDR Transceivers for VHF +++

David Minchin VK5KK

Microwave achievement award

Alan Devlin VK3XPD

SARC1 High Altitude Balloon Payload for the 2016 Global Space Balloon Challenge

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

AIS Saves Lives!

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

Goodbye Silicon Hello GaN

Glen English VK1XX

Near effects of ground and your field day setup

Glen English VK1XX

Amateur Radio in Australia post spectrum reform

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

SM2000 Open Source VHF Radio

David Rowe VK5DGR

3.4 GHz Panels: firmware modifications

Tim Dixon VK5ZT


Rex Moncur VK7MO

A mini satellite-antenna rotator

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

A Speech Synthesiser for the Yaesu FT-817

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

The Norfolk Island microwave jaunt 2016

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH  & Keith Gooley VK5OQ

Slow Scan TV using Arduino hardware

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

Up-Date on WSJT-X

Rex Moncur VK7MO

Using your Android phone or tablet as a GUI for your Arduino home brew projects

David (Dave) Hardy VK2JDH


GippsTech 2017

EME on small aperture horns - equivalent to a 13 cm or 5 inch dish

Rex Moncur VK7MO & Charles Suckling G3WDG

Receiving DL0SHF 10 GHz Beacon on a Yagi

Rex Moncur VK7MO

VK3UM Award

Eastern Zone ARC

Microwave Enthusiast Award 2017

Kevin Johnston VK4UH

Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator MkII

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

GPS Locked Multi-Beacons Controller using the ZLPLL

Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW

Timing for Portable Digital Operation with a $20 USB GPS receiver

Rex Moncur VK7MO and Larry Hower VK7WLH

Remote Radio Control Server

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

Near-antenna Fresnel zone clearance

Glen English VK1XX

My uniquely GippTech 10 GHz adventure

Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW

Performance of QRA compared to JT4

Rex Moncur VK7MO & Charles Suckling G3WDG

Efficiency of mesh covered dishes

Andy Sayers VK3ES

Challenging times for Australian Amateur Radio - change coming from all directions

Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

The new VK1 triple mode 2 m beacon - the best of three worlds

Glen English VK1XX

The International governance of the Amateur Service – the role of the IARU

Peter Young VK3MV

ARDF Telemetry

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP


Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

Building the 2 metre version of the Geelong 3.4 GHz panel

Tim Dixon VK5ZT

Long path to EME conference Venice 2016

Chris Skeer VK5MC

GRAVES RADAR as an EME test signal

Jim Collins VK3ZYC


GippsTech 2018


Small System EME on 23cm

Mike Farrell VK2FLR

Design and construction of a spectrum analyser covering 300 MHz to 4 GHz

Jim Henderson VK1AT

Comparison of RigExpert AA-1400 and N1201SA series antenna analysers

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Light Talkers

Tim Dixon VK5ZT

Amateur Radio for Kids

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

Getting some real miles out of 122 GHz

David Minchin VK5KK

'From the inside looking out': reflections on changing radio regulations and impact upon possible future amateur applications

Dale Hughes VK1DSH

The man behind the Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award VK3ZER/ VK3AKC

Chris Skeer VK5MC

Mini Satellite Ground Station

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

10/24 EME Grid tour to NT/WA/QLD and new 10 GHz EME World Record

Rex Moncur VK7MO

AllLocker - the new reflocking option, son of XREF

Glen English VK1XX

Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem

Lindsay Harvey VK2AMV

It’s raining Development Kits

Tim Dixon VK5ZT

RF over optical fibre: principles and applications for amateur radio

Glen English VK1XX

Build your own SDR

Julie Gonzales VK3FOWL & Joe Gonzales VK3YSP

2 m power amplifier

Mike Farrell VK2FLR