
VK3BEZ is the licenced club call sign for the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club Inc. Established in May 1938, the club has provided many years of service to the amateur radio community locally and throughout Australia.

The Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club conducts 3 nets/hook ups per week and all are welcome to join, whether you are a club member or not. There is a VHF, UHF and HF net each week operated under the club callsign, VK3BEZ. This is just an informal get together to have a general QSO, to help anyone who has any questions or problems, to keep up to date on coming activities or just to say g’day.


HF Net conducted on 3.680 MHz at 2000 local.


UHF Net conducted on VK3RGU and VK3RTU (see Information tab for repeater details) at 1930 local every Thursday; except for monthly meetings on the first Thursday of the month.


VHF Net conducted on VK3RLV (see Information tab for repeater details) every Sunday night commencing at 2030 hrs, following the broadcast of the WIA News at 2000.